We have excellent timing at Headlock Vintage. The week we launched our Buy One Donate One scheme is the same week the world started to go into lockdown in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Despite that, we've stayed strong on our commitment to make an impact with local charities. If you remember all the way back to March when we first announced the scheme, we pledged to donate an item of clothing to a charitable organisation for every item we sold on the site.
As of the time of writing, that's over 2,500 pieces of good quality clothing in the hands of some of the most vulnerable members of the community. That's a great start, but we have no intention of stopping there.
We want to donate 10,000 items by the end of the year, and every single one of you who buys something on the site helps us reach that goal. You don't have to spend a certain amount, or tick a box to donate, just keep on finding your favourite vintage pieces on the site and we'll take care of the rest.
10,000 donations here we come!